Project Overview
Summit Gold acquired the Mt Kare project in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 2011 and following a full data review converted the existing Canadian N143-101 compliant resource to a JORC compliant resource. Due to the conversion between reporting jurisdictions a large portion of the resource was classified as inferred at this point, although the deposit contained 339 drill holes.

2012 Drill Programme
Assay results from the 2012 Drill Programme continued to confirm the project's potential. Summit Gold's 2012 diamond drill programme was completed in August 2012, with 58 diamond drill holes for a total of 7791 metres. The drill programme was focused on ensuring a robust resource and geological model and to compare grade variability and density measurements with pre-Summit Gold drilling, as well as provide core for metallurgical work.
A major increase in the quality of the resource was announced in July, 2013 with two substantial high grade zones averaging 5-20 g/t gold, with intersections over 100 g/t gold.